To the many hundreds of shoppers who made our Grand Jumble Sale on Saturday a great success, securing funding to provide first class Scouting at 1st Northwood for another year, thank you.

More photos on the Jumble Sale page – click here.
To the many hundreds of shoppers who made our Grand Jumble Sale on Saturday a great success, securing funding to provide first class Scouting at 1st Northwood for another year, thank you.
More photos on the Jumble Sale page – click here.
The Ruislip Eastcote Northwood Scout District celebrated St George’s Day on Sunday 28th April 2019 at Ruislip Lido. Groups marched on to Willow Lawn from all directions, a good turn out with 1st Northwood well-represented.
There was a fun game as well as the more serious business of presenting awards and renewing of promises. The photos describe the event better than words:
To download the latest issue of 1st News just click here.
The latest newsletter from 1st Northwood Scout Group is ready to download, just click here.
Issue 94 of First News is here.
A newsletter packed with information and reports on section activities as well as forthcoming events – well worth downloading and reading in full!
This term has seen lots of Duke of Edinburgh
preparation work, culminating in a snowy Easter
weekend on Exmoor. Despite best hopes given by the
weather forecast, snow-covered bogs became a
surprising problem to face. Continue reading “Explorer News (Issue 93)”
This term we took part in the district Chilly Goat
camp, we had a night hike from Hillingdon back to
Northwood via Ruislip, we went swimming, we went
climbing at Brunel University and we did some
cooking. We walked to the top of the Hogs Back in
snow and we did a session on disability awareness. Continue reading “Scout Update (Issue 93)”
Another busy term is coming to an end, one which
saw us hand out over thirty badges earned by the
Cubs this term. Continue reading “Cub Catch-Up (Issue 93)”
The Beavers have had a very busy time this term.
They have completed their International badge and
also their Disability Awareness badge, learning
how difficult it is to push a wheelchair up steps,
down ramps and on bumpy ground and also how to
sign their names and find their way without sight. Continue reading “Beaver Blog (Issue 93)”
I have written about easyfundraising several times
in the past; this is my final plea for everyone who
ever buys anything online to please make the
effort to register. Continue reading “‘Easyfundraising’ IS What It Says!”