1st Northwood Scout Group

Cub Catch-up (First News 92)

As the Cubs start their preparations for Christmas with
a craft night, helping Ruislip Round Table with their
Santa Sleigh and a special Christmas activity, it’s
difficult to remember what we did back in September
before it was cold and dark during Cub meetings.

For all our meetings, the Cubs have been enthusiastic
and always remember that having a go and doing their
best is as important (if not more) than completing a
task easily. This was particularly evident in our
earlier meetings when we undertook Rachel’s
teamwork challenges on the Hogs Back (getting the
whole Six across the “ravine”) and again when we
went climbing at PACCAR.

We’ve enjoyed the Group fireworks and been
entertained by comedian Mark whilst raising money
for the new hut. Mark needed to film one of his shows
to support his application to tour China so the Beavers
and Cubs were his willing audience.

We’ve had lots of discovery nights too. We started
with local knowledge and map reading which helped
us on our night walk up to Pinner Hill. Then it was a
night learning about Antarctica and the importance of
being able to do simple tasks like tying shoe laces
with thick gloves on. This activity was linked to
finding out about the Ice Maidens, a group of six
female military personnel who are aiming to be the
first female group to cross Antarctica. We’re going to
check in on their progress over the coming weeks. Our
final discovery night was for Thanksgiving when an
American family from Northwood Base told us about
the history of the event and shared their favourite
games with us. They also treated us to some pumpkin
pie and sweet potato pie which most of the Cubs
willingly tasted.

With all that going on, we should be able to present
quite a few badges at the end of term!

Alongside running these meetings, Rachel and Liz
have found time to complete their leader appointment
meetings and the first part of their training. One
review meeting to go and they’ll both be warranted
leaders able to run meetings without me or a leader
from another section present. Roger remains out of
action following his accident in May but keeps in
touch. His leg is improving slowly and he hopes to be
back to Scouting around Easter. We still need more
help as Rachel’s work takes her away quite regularly
so if you’re looking for something to do on a Tuesday
evening do get in touch.
Enjoy the Christmas break and we look forward to
another busy term in the New Year.
Christine Bennett, Akela

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